Margaret Grift


  • Redeemer University; Major in Psychology, Minor in Biology; 

  • McGill University, Master’s of Library and Information Science

Hobbies/Interests/Family life:

Our family has been in Brampton since 2005 where my husband, Rich, is Senior Pastor at CrossPoint Christian Reformed Church. Our three children graduated from JKCS and TDChristian high school.
I have been the Librarian at JKCS since 2011.  My favourite thing about working at JKCS is meeting students and connecting them with books they enjoy.  It is a privilege to foster reading skills that will help students discover God’s creation and the plans He has for them.

My volunteer activities include running the Jewelry Department at Encore and playing drums and piano in the church Praise Team.

When I am not at the computer, you will find me sorting and pricing jewelry, crocheting, playing drums or piano, watching Netflix or reading mysteries and historical fiction.