John Knox Christian School continues to work hard to ensure that our students thrive and are blessed by quality Christ-centred education.
This is made possible by the support of our strong and committed Christian community. We are so thankful for your ongoing prayers and words of encouragement for the important work being done here at JKCS and humbly request your financial support so that JKCS can continue to flourish.
Donations are accepted year-round and are typically directed to the area of highest need that exists at the time they are received. We are currently raising funds for a new school sign on the front lawn. Unless your donation is directed otherwise, all funds collected until the fundraising target is met will be used to purchase the new sign. Once we reach our goal, we will resume directing your donations to the area of highest need.
Please make a donation today!
“John Knox Christian School Brampton is an outstanding school! We noticed right away that they put God first in each day of school, every event, planning and more. The teachers are dedicated to helping their students grow and learn in a safe and wonderful environment.”