Sharon Mulder
Vice-Principla, Grade 7 & 8 Art & Drama
905-451-3236 ext. 122
Wilfrid Laurier, BA in English Literature; Athabasca University: Master of Distance Education; Redeemer University College: BEd
Hobbies/Interests/Family life:
Hobbies include anything creative really, painting, drawing, knitting, sewing, gardening, music, playing bass (I’ve been a member of area community orchestras for over 30 years, currently a member of the Rose Orchestra in Brampton.)
I love creating curriculum and researching trends in education that will help engage learners and foster a love of life-long learning. Although I enjoy teaching all grade levels, my passion is for the older students in grades 7 and 8. It is so wonderful to work with students in this age group who are just really beginning to look at their world and finding where they fit in. They are finding their voice and expressing their opinions in thoughtful ways.
My husband Shane is self-employed and services, repairs and restores bassoons for clients from around the world. Together we enjoy getting out to hike when we can and just working together on various projects around our house. We have four grown children who are married and we have three grandchildren.
What do you love about JKCS?
As a teacher, I love that I can explore new ways of teaching and in my administrative role, I love to provide support to our staff, whether that's exploring new curriculum or helping with technology. I love that our staff is close-knit; we can share ideas and concerns or support each other. I love that this school has such a solid community behind it and that there are so many parents willing to go that extra mile to help wherever needed.